My list of bad ideas just keep on growing. Like my mentor in failed attempts, I'm trying to view each poor decision as a lesson learned, another way I now know that will not make a lightbulb light. What's the use of this knowledge you ask? Why, take the following example, and be shamed in your critiques;
You are on a walk, and you come to a fork in the road. One way is clear, with green mossy trees, the occasionally whistling bird, a fluffy deer romping around, and a sun dappled pathway on which to walk. This path also, very conveniently, has a sign that lists it's possible ends. They read, "Wisdom, happiness, joy, peace, fun, good times, lollipops, soda pop, etc."
Beneath the sign is a list of contacts and testimonies of people who have gone before. There is a couple on the path ahead of you, proclaiming it's joy to you as they take cushioned steps forward.
The other option is not so much of a path it all. In fact, it looks more like some trampled grass caused by an inebriated traveler one day who stumbled off only to wind up lost and attacked by vicious mythical creatures. The sun does not shine here, there are thorns and brambles (big ones), dead frogs, and pages of ripped up, stained warnings that scream "avoid this path at all costs". And occasionally the distant scream of someone in pain.
Obviously, you are at a loss. What to do? What to do? You call me of course, and ask what's down that dark twisty path. Because I, obviously, have already been there, and give you some much needed counsel in the area.
In the long awaited conclusion, this knowledge is basically useless for anything except warnings against rather obvious odds.
As I fight my way back to the bright sunny path, I'll leave you with this word of advice:
So no matter how cute the rum-running Italian is, don't let him do you any favors.
Though the man driving the car says the puppy is super nice, don't get in.
Obviously, accept no candy from strangers.
Please just say no to the free drink from the shady man outside the bar
When in doubt, think again.
Right turn lanes are, indeed, meant for turning right.
It might seem like a good idea at the time, but sharpie on your face never is.
Think about how tight that cord is tied before you bun-jee off this bridge.
Ink stains. Plain and simple.
No matter how angry you are, it's never a good idea to beat up that car.
Going around in circles wastes gas and time, ask for directions
Mean people happen, you might be one of them.
Everything has consequences...SO. . .
Do your homework. You won't regret it.
Yours with many words,