Monday, April 4, 2011


Thank God for friends who support no matter how many years of being friendship-weather beaten they get.
Thank God for people who want to stick with you after weeks of emotional storms.

And I'm watching people fall into the floor around me as I sit and write in this library.

Perhaps my society has chosen to feed the human need to be liked, rather than the human need to be loved. Maybe they don't know the difference.

300 people like the careful things I say on the internet.
3 people love me, despite them.

And I'm listening to the universal bubble of conversation that shelters my thoughts. Like cold water over so many river rocks.
To know so many minds behind so many lies would be a wonder.

A scattered effigy
It's only poetry.

. . . annnnddd goodnight.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

From the Beginning

God is love.
Perfect love, real love.
Love is too much to understand.
It's blood.
It's reckless sacrifice.
Love is throwing yourself into the unknown,
hoping it doesn't swallow you
but counting the risk of such a thing minute.
So often love is painful.
So why are we driven to it?
In such a confused state as the one of being man,
the race is driven to destroy.
Intentions may be Heavenly,
but our actions of Hell.
A mode of being that retreats into itself,
that escapes away from itself,
that obsesses with darkness,
or turns to any hope of happiness.
At war with the mind itself,
at war with the entirety of nature.
Apathy, rage, passion,
peace, bliss, ambition
knowledge, wealth,
to find love in the midst of it all.
Love that shines in sacrifice,
complete surrender of oneself for the sake of another.
Love that heals,
drives us.
A fire inside that becomes everything,
That defines reality.
An evidence of the divine in the shadow of corruption.
God is love.
This is what was given.

Grace in love. Forgiveness,
Over and over.
A heart to stay in time with His,
A plan.

And I am overwhelmed with You

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Once upon a time, there were two young girls who lived in the basement of a magical house in the heart of their country. These two girls were very happy in their lives; frolicking about on sunny days, staying home with coffee when it was rainy. They went to classes and church and social events, they stayed up in the wee hours of the morning discussing all the matters of life. One day, however, a cloud moved into their country. It came with no warning, no shifting winds, no hint of dismay. No, it was all at once that the plague arrived.
At midnight one of our heroines, Amy, sat in blissful peace by her window, simply chatting with her friends. Suddenly, she heard the screeching of many many birds. What's this? She thought, curious to know the cause of such a sound. Amy ran upstairs, threw open the front door and stepped out. Behold! The sky was black and buzzing with thousands of crows. They squealed and shrieked and beat their winds loud enough to deafen a person. They perched themselves on every branch of every tree surrounding the girls magical house. Upon Amy's exclamation of surprise, Katie came darting up the stairs. She shrieked, and wisely pulled Amy inside and locked the door. The girls exchanged a look of worry, but continued hopefully on with their night.
Days passed, the crows only grew louder. Every night they'd return to watch the magical house. The ground was white, the carriages covered so that one could not see outside of them. The subtly threatening smell of rot began to seep into the ground all around them. Night after night, and still the birds never stopped. They sat and watched and screamed and flew and excreted down upon our once-happy heroines home.
Amy and Katie now sit locked away, hearts heavy and minds hurting.
What could this possibly be? And who can possibly save them?
Find out next week on another episode of "Your Face is Like That!"