Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Chasm

Hello vacant and distracted space we call the internet! I am here to fling my thoughts and words at you and watch as they fall down, down, down this cyber tunnel and bounce off your arithmetically molded walls in an endless display. If you, my dear reader, wish to jump on in after them, well then, please do.
Tonight, I will not sleep. That is because tomorrow I will board an airplane (four books and two ipods for company) and begin my small adventure in this foreign land they call 'England'. I feel rather unequipped for international travel, as my skills in other languages restrict me to such things as, "Hello. Where is the coffee?" in French, "bathroom/why" in Spanish, and "I'm cold" in largely unspoken Irish Gaelic. These are obviously the only things you'll need to know so what's to worry about?- you might ask. I'll tell you what's to worry about, it's a worry that I don't speak a lick of British. Here's to hoping I get seated next to a Frenchman of Spanish origins who's willing to teach me British.
Until I have more intelligent and lofty ideals to fling your way, I'm ending this post. Enjoy your evening readers that may or may not exist.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to the many splendid things you have to say! I am privileged to be with you in your beginning of the travel bug. ;) Be safe
