Thursday, July 29, 2010

Is Your World Spinning?

4:45am - alarm goes off in a delightful thought-blocking sort of screech at ascending levels of volume. Snooze.
4:51am - alarm goes off again
4:58am- and again. Why did I choose seven minutes? It should be thirty
5:o5 am- once more
5:12am - okay, just seven more minutes
5:19am - I guess there's really no reason to look too cute at work . . . seven more minutes
5:26am - If I don't get up now, I won't get up at all. Then I'll be fired.
5:28am - sit up, dart out of bed before it can pull me back into it's deceitfully comfortable and comforting arms of slumber
5:29am- hit the doorway on the way to the bathroom (one of these day's I'll remember it's there)
5:40am - changed, hair messily pulled back, dark circles covered (for the most part)smelling like perfume, peaches, and the faint aroma of pillow, earrings in, shoes on, out the door.
5:45-12:30pm- serving coffee (staring at each cup wistfully as it passes from my needy hands into the equally needy grasp of another. Darn the lack of time for a sit-down and a scone). At some point, I down a shot of espresso (or perhaps put a cup of coffee in the back, which I'll manage to sip a few times before the days over).
12:35pm- leave work, dreaming and longing for that beautiful nap before me
12:45pm- too hungry to sleep. I'll make a quick lunch and go to bed.
1:45pm - food gives you energy, dang it
2:00-6:00pm- Stupid nap-stealing busywork like; paying bills, calling old friends, cleaning, moving, figuring out a place to stay, etc.
6:00pm-dinner and various obligations to social groups/networks/individuals
9:00pm- I can finally sleep!
9:01pm- freaking second wind
9:01am-11:00pm- stare at ceiling, desperate for sleeping
11:00pm-12:00am- . . . I think this is sleeping.
12:00am-4:44am- okay, this is definitely sleeping.
4:45am- alarm.

Coffee is no stand in, nor is youth; self-induced insomnia will drive you mad. My friends, we must take back what is ours. We must take back the right to rest, to function, to think, to dream. We must take back nap time. Join me, together we'll restore sanity to our towns, our country, our world. Hey, if we all do it, whose gonna stop us?

Pillow please,

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Take Off

The central past is asymmetrical in comparison with the proposed future.
However, pursuit of the abstract status in said situation is not without it's merits, and can be expected to be rewarding in the end.
This also, though, brings to question the concept of an 'end'. As many are deceived, and yet all really are aware, there is only one 'end' and it is not yet here. Even that end though, is the gateway into a beginning. But at some point it all moves on, and one things transforms into another, so that in many years, or in many emotional steps taken, the existence of such a thing is confined to the past, to a memory. In that way it is still real, though not really ended, but no longer immediately affecting the mind and being of the person who dealt with it.
To be sure, life is a pattern of things repeated intwining with new experiences. Unique to the individual, familiar to the whole.
In this we find the stars, distant beings that bear a very near witness to our history. In this we find the earth below us, a constant in a consistent, though every changing, earth. In between we find humanity, struggling to reach up, to understand below, and to find the truth in a haze of lies.
In love there is heartbreak, there is pain, suffering, bleeding. In love there is goodness, ultimate goodness, ultimate joy.
The furies of the mind are nothing to themselves, they are often the only company we keep. In great company, they are ignored, silenced.
We find the great axis of the life turning on this one point, this one picture. And yet it is undeniably impossible to comprehend. To even see.
So the questions all have answers; and yet if one can not understand the answer given, the question becomes wether or not it was worth asking. We have found that it is.
Equations of metaphysics hold no solid truth, and yet somewhere in us we are aware of what that truth is. Though knowing nothing but darkness, the concept of light is all the proof we need.
Circles are perfect as far as numbers can say, however it holds nothing against the past, present, or future.
And yet it tells us all we need to know.
In conclusion:
breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Way Things Are

Perhaps I am just a cynic, but I find no use in writing about changing the world when it is constantly changing itself.

Today I, yet again, served coffee to a hundred or two people; most of them bleary eyed and unaware of the fact that their shirts are on backwards and they are still in pajama bottoms. But these are the people I have come to love. It's funny to me my dear, how the character of a person shines (or dies) in the simple interaction of ordering a drink. There is one man, Dry Cappuccino, who has treated me with the social calling of detached politeness for the past ten months. That is, until he learned about my trip to England; after that, well, he brightened up to tell me all about his years spent in some of the same cities I went to. Sometimes people just need some common factor to bridge the gap.
Another customer, Double French Roast, asks me my name every time he orders a drink from me. He gives me a hard time because I nearly always hand him his receipt (and he doesn't want it); I just do my best to stop myself from writing my name is big black sharpie on his receipt and pinning it to his well pressed button-up. But it's okay, Double French Roast's mind is elsewhere. . . apparently all the time. I can not decide if I want to laugh, or be offended for women everywhere, when he leans across the counter and, in a hushed voice, asks me to make his wife's drink as low-calorie as possible. She usually returns it minutes after he hands it to her, asking for the real thing.

Other customers never take their eyes off their cell phones to meet mine while they order. But it doesn't bother me, we don't have to have a relationship. They just want their coffee, and there is nothing wrong with that.
But my dear, I've come to terms with this one fact; wether or not these people want it, or realize it, I am in their lives. Sometimes all a person needs is a genuine smile from someone to get through their day.
So, I'm trying to be that person. I'm trying to see the people in my life that I would normally skim over; even if they are just people I pass on my way to class everyday.

Also, I've become a fan of strawberry smoothies.
Yours Truly